
Fri 11Dec 15 . to . Sat 12Dec 15     
20:30 . until . 03:00


Poltergeist House, 30 East Drive – Pontefract -Yorkshire
30 East Drive , Pontefract, Yorkshire , WF8 2AN

Event Type

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The Poltergeist House Of Pontefract

Poltergeist House Pontefract

This Haunted House experience is a very limited space event. Home to the “Black Monk of Pontefract” reputed to be one of the most violent poltergeist in European History. This residence has a catalogue of unexplained paranormal happenings. The notoriety of this residence has been so acclaimed , that it has been  featured in many TV programs & Books. Be aware of the haunted China dolls in the living room. Ouija Boards are BANNED at this location, and  you will fully appreciate the reasons why. The  very unwelcoming male presence  will  leave under no illusion that this location is not for the faint hearted. The House was shown in its true light as a place of menace and  potential evil in 2  of  the scariest episodes of
TV’s Most Haunted.

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