Guys Cliffe House – Warwick, Warwickshire

The secluded Guy’s Cliffe House was originally built on pagan land.  This building in its past history has opened its doors to the likes of ecclesiastical bodies, the infamous Guy Earl of Warwick and the tragic Fair Felice. With the fact that this building was utilised as a hospital in both world wars, it is no wonder that this location is bursting with paranormal activity. The whispers of the past merging with ghostly figures and much-reported poltergeist activity make this a great place to explore. Will you hear the report sound of bells or the pitter-patter of children echoing around the rooms? Are the bells heralding an anticipated execution?

Nowadays  The Guy’s Cliffe House is used as a secret society meeting place for the Freemasons. This house will open its doors and will allow you to investigate some of the most haunted areas. That is if you are feeling brave of course.



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